Past USNC-URSI Awardees
The 2023 USNC-URSI Awards were presented by USNC-URSI Chair, Dr. Michael Newkirk, during the NRSM Plenary Session in January for three of the awardees, and will be presented during the Awards Ceremony at the IEEE AP-S/URSI meeting in July for one.

Chair's Award - Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi
For contributions to mentoring radio science students and young scientists, diversity, outreach, inclusion, scholarly work, and impact on the radio science community.

Distinguished Radio Science Award - Raj Mittra
For contributions to analytical and numerical techniques in electromagnetics and to antenna theory and design.

Outstanding Educator Award - Yahya Rahmat–Samii
For outstanding contributions to development of inspiring methodologies in educating a vast number of students and engineers in modern electromagnetics and communication antennas.

Impact Award - Danilo Erricolo
For transformative societal impact by unparalleled breakthroughs in diversity, inclusion, and outreach as editor and conference chair and outstanding leadership in radio-science research and education.