1:15   |
Opening Remarks |
37.1         |
1:20   |
Ultra-fast Finite Element Simulation of Planar Electromagnetic Structures "J. E. Bracken, S. Polstyanko, Z. J. Cendes, Ansoft Corp., USA" |
37.2         |
1:40   |
Perfectly Nested Finite Element Spaces using Generalized Hanging Variables "V. Hill, O. Farle, R. Dyczij-Edlinger, Saarland University, Germany" |
37.3         |
2:00   |
"P-adaptive FE-BI Analysis of Homogeneous, Lossy Regions for SAR- and Far-field Calculations" "M. M. Botha, D. B. Davidson, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa" |
37.4         |
2:20   |
Speed Up the Hybrid FEM+IE Formulation using a Low-rank Matrix Approximation "M. Vouvakis, S. Lee, J. Lee, OSU, USA" |
37.5         |
2:40   |
Jacobi-Davidson-Type Algorithms with Interior Multigrid-Scheme for the Simulation of Electromagnetic Resonator Structures with Gyromagnetic Materials "M. Clemens, S. Feigh, R. Schuhmann, T. Weiland, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany" |
37.6         |
3:00   |
The Transfinite Element Time-Domain Method "D. Sun, J. Lee, Z. Cendes, Ansoft Corp., USA" |
37.7         |
3:20   |
Unstructured-Grid Spectral Method for 3D Maxwell's Equations with Well-Posed PML "T. Xiao, Q. Liu, Duke University, USA" |
37.8         |
3:40   |
Conformal Perfectly Matched Layers for the Time Domain Finite Element Method "T. Rylander, J. Jin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA" |
37.9         |
4:00   |
Stable Waveguide Ports for the Time Domain Finite Element Method "T. Rylander, J. Jin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA" |
37.10         |
4:20   |
Numeric Dispersion Analysis of 3D Envelope-Finite Element (EVFE) Method "W. Yao, Y. Wang, University of California, Los Angeles, USA" |
37.11         |
4:40   |
A FIT Matrix Formulation for the Application of Global Boundary Conditions in Frequency Domain "A. Skarlatos, R. Schuhmann, T. Weiland, TU-Darmstadt , Germany" |
37.12         |
5:00   |
A MGCR Multiple RHS Preconditioned Solver Applied To the Resolution of a FE-BI Equation with FMM Acceleration "J. Simon, V. Gobin, ONERA, France" |