Annual National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM)

USNC-URSI organizes an annual National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM) here in Boulder, CO every January. In 2024, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of this event being held in Boulder, CO. The NRSM is sponsored by the U.S. National Committee (USNC) for the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), and it is technically cosponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. The program typically includes a plenary session, workshops/short courses, exhibits, a student paper competition, an invited Hans Liebe Lecturer, and a student mentoring luncheon.

Information and recordings of the previous Hans Liebe Lectures Hans Liebe Lectures may be viewed, along with many of the previous plenary session talks and other events held during the NRSM. Additionally, information about past NRSM programs is available.

Hands-on workshop on phased arrays

Workshop: Phased Arrays - Hands-on session held during the 2024 NRSM.

Recognition of Dr. Michael Newkirk

Recognition: Prof. Jamesina Simpson recognizing Dr. Michael Newkirk for his service as chair during the previous triennium (2022 – 2023).

Plenary session

Anniversary: Plenary session honoring the 50th Anniversary of holding the NRSM in Boulder, CO.

Student Paper Competition Winners

Competition: The three winners of the 2024 NRSM Student Paper Competition.

Women in Radio Science Meeting

Meeting: Attendees at the Women in Radio Science (WIRS) business meeting during the 2024 NRSM.